Tuesday, September 8, 2015

5 First Aid of Materials Kitchen

Fill your kitchen turned out to be a mainstay for emergency conditions. Here are 5 ingredients kitchen that has been scientifically proven to have benefits for treating the symptoms of minor ailments.

1. Honey
The pediatricians in the United States does not recommend parents to give their child the medication for a cold or cough. But do not panic, as an alternative you could give one teaspoon of honey when your child coughs. However, the granting of honey is not recommended for children aged less than a year because of the risk of bacterial poisoning.

2. Mouthwash
Mouthwashes are typically used after brushing the teeth it can be a potent recipe overcome thrush or sore throat.

3. Ice cubes
To reduce swelling or pain in the wound injury, use a cold compress using ice cubes. Compressed no more than 20 minutes to prevent frostbite.

4. Pasta baking soda
Besides used for making cakes, baking soda can also be a first aid when bitten by insects. The trick, mix three teaspoons of baking soda with one teaspoon of water and then rubbed on the itchy.

5. Ginger
Various studies have shown the benefits of ginger for reducing nausea and vomiting, ranging from pregnancy to altitude sickness. Ginger can be boiled and water to drink warm.

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