Monday, September 21, 2015

Side sleeping on the Gadget Help Boost Brain Tumor Growth

Humans and gadgets today more and can not be released. Nothing took him to the toilet, dining room, even to bed. Did you know, sleeping with the gadget on the head a negative impact on health?

Reported Health page on Monday (21/9) put the phone or gadget on the side of the body during sleep can increase the risk of tumor growth in high amounts.

The cause was found on the LED screen gadgets emit bluish light that can inhibit the production of the hormone melatonin and may interfere with sleep subconscious.

Moreover, the gadget or mobile phone has karsonegenik which may cause the growth of cancer cells. Properties of electromagnetic waves also stimulates the growth of brain tumors more quickly than usual.

This habit is also very harmful effect on children. Because the scalp and skull are still thin have a greater risk dibandingkand ith adults.

Although the wave radiation is small, but when it happens on a daily basis is not likely accelerate health risks.
From now on, stop the habit of putting the phone close to the body. Keep your cell phone or gadget minimum of three meters for the sake of better health.

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