Thursday, September 10, 2015

Five Spices type Prevent Heart Attack

Patients with coronary heart turns his life is not only dependent on the drug. They can maintain their health conditions that are not easily have a heart attack by taking some kind of herb spices. Any kind?

Boldsky quoted on Thursday (10/09/2015), there are five types of spices are most preferred by many patients with coronary heart disease, including Vice President Jusuf Kalla.


A handful of pepper contains some natural substances that prevent blood clots and improve blood circulation. Of course if you regularly mixing pepper into your daily diet, may indirectly prevent the risk of heart disease, including stroke.


Yellow spice that is believed to eliminate cholesterol and plaque from the blood that makes clogged. The benefits can improve blood circulation, anti-inflammatory and prevents blood clots to protect the brain and heart damage.


Dried oregano leaves are also good for the people with coronary heart disease. One of the substances contained in the leaves that can thin the blood, removes cholesterol, improve circulation, and reduce body inflammation.


Garlic can also dissolve blood clots in blood vessels are clogged. By doing so, for the people of coronary heart good eating dishes added to the basic seasonings of garlic is the secret delicacies.


Sipping ginger tea every morning can make the coronary heart comfortable pendeita their daily lives. Unknown, ginger are anti-inflammatory needed to thin the blood, improves circulation, reduces inflammation of the body and relaxes the muscles.

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