Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Honey Child Walad

Walad honey Honey is formulated for children. Dependent child from infancy nutrition, vitamins, proteins, and minerals are sufficient.

The most important thing is the brain and bone in children, because it Walad Honey gives good supplement as well as drugs to your child.


- Honey
- Dattier (palm juice)
- Nigella Sativa
- Olive oil
- Omega 3
- Centella asiatica
- Curcuma

HONEY Walad benefits as food supplement:

- Feeding the brain
- Maintain stamina children
- Increase of appetite
- Fever, High Heat
- DHF (Dengue Fever)
- Cough, Colds, Sore Throat
- tonsil
- Sprue
- Asthma, TB, spots
- Colorectal cancer
- Wormy
- Constipation
- Increase muscle and bone growth

Rules of Use:

- 2 months - 1 year: 1 teaspoon 2x a day
- 1 year - 3 years: 2 tsp 2x a day
- 4 years - 12 years: 1-2 tablespoon 2x a day
- Teens: 3-4 tbsp 2x a day

Taken before meals. Whisk first.
look for

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