Saturday, October 15, 2011

Leather Red Onion Many Health Benefits of Human

Shallots are one of the ingredients required in different types of cuisine. However, many housewives peel outer skin and discard it.

The next time you cook, do not discard the onion dry skin. Because it contains certain compounds that have proven beneficial to human health.

According to a study published in the journal Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, outer skin of the onion are rich in fiber and flavonoids. While his own red onions contain sulfur compounds and fructan.

"Dry skin onion is a valuable source of natural substances," said Vanesa Benitez, researchers from the Chemistry Department of Agriculture University of Madrid, Spain, as quoted by the Times of India.

Benitez and his colleagues worked with scientists from the University of Cranfield, UK, conducted laboratory experiments. They identify the substance and the possible use of every part of the onion.

According to research, dry onion skins contain high fiber, particularly soluble fiber that difficult. Onion skins also contain phenolic compounds, such as quercetin and flavonoids, and other metabolites that have medicinal properties. Two outer layers of onions also contain fiber and flavonoids.

"Intake of fiber may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal complaints, colon cancer, type 2 diabetes, and obesity," added the researchers.

Phenolic compounds help prevent coronary disease and anticarcinogenic. The high phenolic levels in the layers of onion skin showed a high antioxidant content.

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