Monday, October 15, 2012

6 Getting Nutrition Before Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time of highly anticipated by a woman. Keep in preparation since long ago, that the pregnancy is progressing smoothly and ended with vaginal delivery followed by the presence of a healthy baby and that you look forward to.
Two things that really need to consider before planning a pregnancy is a factor of nutrition and fitness. Many people assume that good nutrition starts from the known to the pregnant woman. In fact, understanding is wrong and should be changed. Nutrition should be prepared by a woman before entering the pregnancy.
Here are some important things related to nutrition and fitness that a woman needs to be prepared in times of preparation for the pregnancy:
1. Meet the needs of folic acid.

Steps to a healthy baby can actually start even from one month before trying to get pregnant. How? Begin folic acid needs to consume about 400 micrograms of folic acid every day. This amount can be obtained through a multivitamin or you can also memerolehnya naturally from a variety of foods. The best sources of folic acid include green leafy vegetables, egg yolk, citrus, and nuts. Adequate intake of folic acid is the key to growth and cell metabolism at the beginning of conception. Folic acid is also important to help a pregnant woman at risk of poor labor and prevent the baby from the risks of disability and a variety of other dangerous disease.

2. Fix to make it more balanced diet
One of the best things that can be done by a woman who wants to get pregnant is to start fixing your diet or eating habits to be healthier. Leave the habit of eating foods like junk food or unhealthy snacks and high-calorie fat. In preparing for pregnancy, women need more need more protein, iron and folic acid. Therefore, begin to stock fruits, nuts, leafy vegetables, whole grains and low fat dairy products. Leave habit snack chips, baked goods, soda, and other foods that are not nutritious.
3. Limit caffeine
If you are a woman who likes to drink coffee or tea, it is time to immediately limit. Some health experts recommend, you should not consume more than 200 milligrams of caffeine if you wanted to get pregnant. Total intake is also valid for the duration of the pregnancy. The 200 mg is approximately equivalent to 350 ml of coffee or eight cups of tea (950 ml). You can choose milk or fruit juice to replace coffee or tea.

4. Stay away from alcohol
Many agree that the habit of drinking alcohol bad for health. Therefore, avoid alcohol long before you plan to conceive. Research also indicates, alcohol drinking habits can be difficult for women to get pregnant.
Alcohol consumption during pregnancy and even very dangerous, because it can pose a risk of disability and thought disorder in babies born. What if you already have a drink before you realized you were pregnant? A little alcohol may not be too harmful, but should leave this habit.
5. Stop smoking
If you smoke, it is time to stop completely. Smoking certainly not recommended because it will make your chances of getting pregnant. Smoking during pregnancy can lead to risk of premature birth, low weight babies and even miscarriage. Smoking will also make your baby has a rumor of sudden death or sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). If your husband smokes, ask them to stop. Because secondhand smoke is as dangerous.
6. Keep your weight idel
When your body is too skinny, this condition will only complicate chances of getting pregnant. However, the body is too fat will also put you at risk for various diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, and this will make the delivery will become more difficult. Therefore, keep your ideal weight. To achieve an ideal weight and melihara, you must be diligent exercise. Start getting healthier life before the pregnancy.

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