Tuesday, October 2, 2012

6 Habits Triggers Acne

Acne is a skin enemy number one. Although most teenagers are experienced by puberty, but pimples are also often interfere with adults. And, did you know that acne and Komeda can arise as a daily habit.
According Dr.Ava Shamban, dermotologis and author of Heal Your Skin, here are some habits that cause skin problems.

1. Touching the skin
"Acne can appear anywhere on the skin that often you touch," says Shamban. For example, on the chin due chin while you get used to seek fresh ideas in the office, or on the pilipis and chin because you always put the phone. 

2. Sweat
According to a survey, the average person touches his face 10-12 times in an hour. The frequency will be increased on a hot day in which the production of excessive sweat. Avoid wiping sweat with his hands.
3. Wearing sunglasses
"Wearing glasses make oils, dead skin, dust is also easier to assemble and close the pores in the skin around the frame glasses," says Shamban. The same is true if you often wear sunglasses. To prevent acne, wash the skin area around the frame glasses more thoroughly when cleaning the skin.
4. Hair
Layer haircut is a trend, but if you are classified as oily skin it can actually add to the appearance of acne. Similarly, hair bangs.
5. Side effects of sunscreen
Using sunscreen is a must to prevent the adverse effects of ultraviolet light. But products that do not contain comedogenic ingredients can make popping blackheads.
6. Stress
Stress will lead to increased levels of androgens, hormones that trigger blackheads. In addition it will also stress causes the release of cortisol and adrenal hormones that will trigger the oil glands are more active.

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