Monday, October 1, 2012

Digestive Disorders Can Cause Infertility

Many couples have infertility problems unexplained cause. Digestive or gastrointestinal problems may be one of the causes of infertility. But how can this be?
The fetus inside the womb need nutrients to grow flowers. When a woman has a digestive problem, it can make the body does not absorb nutrients from food consumed. It also means that the baby will not get the nutrients it needs.
Hormonal activity is also influenced by the nutrients absorbed from food. When the body loses nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, it is automatically hormones should be used to ovulate can not exclude the endocrine glands. This causes periods become erratic schedules and processes will become increasingly difficult pregnancy.

If a woman has had an acute gastrointestinal illness and impaired bowel syndrome, then the weight of his body will undergo drastic shrinkage.
When the limit is reached the lowest body mass index, automatically she will not menstruate again. This is because the body is too weak. Without menstruation, meaning the egg in question are not reproduced and will not be able to conceive.
Malnutrition also cause chronic anemia can reduce levels of hemoglobin or red blood cells. When a low hemoglobin in your body, not just your menstrual schedule will not be regular, but you will also find it difficult to have a healthy baby.
In addition, diseases of digestive disorders such as celiac is also often the cause of infertility disorders. The symptoms of this disease is often confusing because it is similar to diarrhea in general, but it happened for years.
Resulting symptoms include cramping in the lower abdomen and frequent urge to defecate. Celiac does not allow the body to absorb nutrients and consequently women have difficulty conceiving.

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