Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Tips for Safely Using Food Packaging

Consumer foresight important in avoiding food that is unfit for consumption. One effort to do the public or the consumer is accuracy in choosing packaging that is safe for health.
Communities also must be smart in choosing packaged foods and wise use secure packaging, as this is a form of control over food packaging.
According to the Director of the Controlled Products and Hazardous Materials Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM) Mustafa, there are some simple tips for consumers to use safe food packaging.
First, do not use plastic bags to pack food black crackle. Second, reduce the use of food packaging made of plastics for oily or fatty foods. Third, do not use plastic containers in the microwave except as directed, and four do not use food packaging that is damaged or deformed.
In addition, Mustafa said, there are also a number of tips on choosing food packaging. First, the priority use packaging made of glass or ceramic. Second, select a package that includes the logo between food and recycling code, choose three colors are not flashy packaging. Fourth, follow the manufacturers recommended usage instructions, and a fifth do not be fooled by the low price. Sixth, avoid the use of plastics to boil, and do not use milk bottles for sterilization.

Mustofta also urged the public to be more concerned with household tools that are used as food packaging itself.
"You should not boil the milk bottle sterilizer child to reason, just to douse it with hot water. Addition, do not use a wire brush to brush bottle so as not to damage the bottle" said Mustafa.
He explained that there are several ways movement (migration) of substances in packaging that could potentially cause pollution to food. Migration included the permeation or molecular displacement gas and liquid two-way, and sorption or displacement components of food into the food.

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