Wednesday, October 24, 2012

RICE Therapy for Arthritis Sprains

Sprains or laymen often called sprains usually preceded by the sound of "kletek" followed difficulty moving the joints. The athletes or those who frequently exercise at high risk for sprained joints.

A sprain occurs when the motion of spinning or stretching too strong so that the joint is moved beyond the reasonable range is so tore ligaments attached to the bones.

Indications sprain include pain and tenderness at the sprain, swelling occurs rapidly, and the disruption of the function of the joints.

According Dr.Andri MT Lubis, orthopedic specialists from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, the standard treatment for mild sprains can by following RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation).

In essence, the patient must rest to speed healing, use ice to prevent further swelling. Also use a bandage or crutch so that the affected part of the body does not move, and the elevation or raising the swollen higher than the heart to reduce swelling.

A doctor immediately if the joints are difficult to move did not improve in two to three days.

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