Sunday, March 3, 2013

Enzymes Work alone, Diabetes Cause Heart Attacks

People with diabetes are two times higher risk of having a heart attack, it is already known although the exact cause is still unclear to scientists. But a study at the University of Iowa (UI), the United States, successfully demonstrated two diseases related due to disruption of the enzyme on the heart by diabetes.
"Many studies have shown that patients with diabetes, in particular, is very risky died due to myocardial infarction (heart attack). Our study shows new evidence that the oxidized enzyme CaMKII plays an important role in the cause of death, "said Mark Anderson, author of the report UI professor of research in the Journal of Clinical Investigation quoted by Xinhua (16/02/2013).
Eight percent of the U.S. population have diabetes. And deaths from heart attacks experienced by many diabetics.

Diabetes is known to increase oxidative stress leading to cell damage. In 2008, Anderson's research laboratory in the UI indicates that the enzyme CaMKII (calcium / calmodulin - dependent protein kinase II) activated by oxidation.
Recent research this time linking oxidative stress associated with diabetes with increased risk of death from heart attack through activation of CaMKII enzyme-based oxidation.
Diabetic rats in the laboratory showed they died due to heart rhythm disturbances. This prompted scientists to further investigate cardiac rhythm regulators cells.
In diabetic mice that die from a heart attack looks cells control the heart rhythm were dying teroksidasinya CaKMII enzyme. When researchers tried to block the process of oxidation enzyme, the risk of cell damage decreased heart rhythm regulator so that the risk of death from heart attack is reduced.
The results of this research into new approaches in the prevention of heart attacks, namely by reducing the oxidation of cardiac enzymes in patients with diabetes.

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