Thursday, March 21, 2013

So sports Cheapest Prescription Medicine

Sport or physical activity may be the cheapest prescription medication. With exercise, then we have to fight a lot of the risk of disease, such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease and even depression, the Medical Director of The Singapore Sports Medicine Center, Dr.. Ben Tan.

"Sports can be included as part of the recipe," said Dr. Ben Tan in Jakarta. He believes that exercise can prevent or treat a variety of diseases, and should be considered as part of medical treatment. It's been two years since this executable in Singapore.

Initiative to include exercise as part of treatment has been endorsed by 34 countries. Initiated by the United States who have started the program, followed by other countries, including in Asia. For Southeast Asia, Singapore is the first country program started Exercise Is Medicine (EIM).

In Indonesia, the EIM program should be run jointly, either by governments, health care providers, as well as private parties. Therefore, Ben Tan is actively disseminate this program to all parties, including the government, and the health care providers, particularly physicians.

"I believe that this program can be executed and implemented in Indonesia, but it should be supported by all parties, including the private sector," said Ben Tan.

One of the leading cola in Indonesia also actively participate in the development program in Indonesia. This is in line with the company's policy is to encourage active living behaviors and balanced with a selection of healthy nutrition around the world, including in Indonesia.

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