Friday, March 1, 2013

Recognize Terror Rat Urine

As long as there is human activity, that's where rats breed. When disaster comes, whether floods, volcanic eruptions, and forest fires, the rats came out looking for a safe nest. On the other hand, it is spreading threat of leptospirosis in humans.

In the four seasons, the rats approached the man to seek warm. In the tropics, the rats approached the settlement because of the food, "says the rat Bogor Agricultural University, Swastiko Priyambodo, late January.

It makes leptospirosis diseases spread by rat urine-a disease that is transmitted from animals to humans with the widest distribution in the world. This disease also exists in developed countries although not as much as in developing countries. Leptospirosis in the tropics strike during the rainy season.

Leptospirosis is caused by Leptospira bacteria are pathogenic (disease-causing). The shape spiral, moving back and forth bending. 10-20 mikromete length, thickness 0.1 micrometers. Difficult to observe.

These bacteria are usually in the kidneys of animals and spread through the urine. Although most of the rats were taken and passed, a number of animals, pets, or other wild animals can carry the bacterium Leptospira this. Other animals such as the bacterium Leptospira carrier cows, goats, pigs, sheep, dogs, and cats.

Leptospirosis was first reported by Adolf Weil in 1886. Therefore, the disease is also known as Weil's disease. In Indonesia, the first time Van der Scheer reported in Batavia in 1892. However, a new Leptospira identified in 1915.

There are two types of bacteria Leptospira, namely L interrogans Leptospira that cause diseases and Leptospira biflexa L who nonpatogen.

Transmission and vulnerability

Kusmiyati et al in "Animal and human leptospirosis in Indonesia" in Wartazoa Volume 15 Number 4 of 2005 calls, since out of the rat urine, bacteria can live in fresh water about a month. These bacteria are sensitive to acid, but alkaline water is able to live up to 6 months. Dead in sea water, sewer, or rat urine was diluted.

These bacteria usually enter the human body indirectly. Leptospira in an aqueous environment or muddy enter through wounds. These bacteria can enter through mucosal (mucus tissue) the mouth, nose, or eyes while swimming. Direct transmission from animal to human urine rare.

Leptospirosis vulnerable groups, among others, farmers, miners, ranchers, fishermen inland waters, abattoir workers, veterinary doctors and nurses, as well as those in the waste treatment plant. Those who are fond of water sports are also vulnerable. Ordinary citizens at risk of contracting after the flood.

Leptospirosis Information Center (The Leptospirosis Information Center) calls, until the incubation period of 3-14 days the symptoms of the disease. Sometimes up to 21 days.

Symptoms of leptospirosis did not appear the first 24 hours since the germs to enter. If the symptoms appear the disease in that time span, most likely caused by other bacteria that also comes in, such as Escherichia coli or Cryptosporidium causes diarrhea.

Common symptoms of leptospirosis are high fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, and muscle pain. If there is inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, yellow eyes, anemia, neurological disorders, kidney failure, enlarged liver and spleen to blood urine indicating severe leptospirosis. However, only 10 percent of patients with severe symptoms due to late addressed.

"Many people are not aware of health and leptospirosis because the symptoms are similar to typhoid or dengue fever," said the former Director of Animal Borne Disease Control, Ministry of Health Kusriastuti Rita, who now works at WHO SEARO.

For that, blood tests and urine absolute to ensure the type of bacteria triggers.

Global data shows, leptospirosis many experienced men 10-39 years old. However, the disease can affect anyone and any age.

Agus Priyanto et al in "Risk Factors that Influence the incidence of leptospirosis (Case Studies in Demak)" in Diponegoro University Institutional Repository, 2008, call, leptospirosis mortality rate in Indonesia is high, ie from 2.50 to 16.45 percent. In fact, in patients aged over 50 years, the mortality rate of 56 percent.

Avoid contact with water contaminated with animal urine is the easiest way to prevent transmission of leptospirosis.

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