Monday, March 18, 2013

3 Drinks That Should Not Served Hot

Generally cold weather making hot drinks more delicious drink. However, not all drinks are good served hot. Especially when we also want to take advantage of the nutritional beverage, beverage service right is the warm, normal, or cold.

According to Samuel Oetoro doctors, clinical nutrition specialist, serving hot, especially brewing with hot water, can destroy certain nutrients. Here are some beverages that should not be served hot.

1. Green tea
Green tea contains epigallocatechin gallate as potent antioxidants that could be damaged when brewed under high temperatures. "Should not brew tea with boiling water, but not more than 70 degrees Celsius," said Samuel. He added that for optimal antioxidant benefits of tea, one cup requires 3 grams of tea. As for tea bags, do not dip it three times to avoid contamination pouch bags.

Besides green tea should not store more than 6 months that antioxidants are not damaged. "To get the optimal benefits of green tea consumption of three to five cups a day," he said. 

2. Orange
Citrus fruit is full of vitamin C. Given the nature of vitamin C that can not stand the heat, then you should not brew with hot water. "Most good serves drinks orange with room temperature," said Samuel.

3. Milk
Milk contains certain proteins that can be damaged when brewed with hot water. "Certain proteins in milk will undergo denaturation in temperatures over 80 degrees Celsius, then simply pour the warm water," said co-author of the book Smart Eating this.

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