Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Beware of These 5 Eye Disease

Today, the disease attacks the eyes of more diverse . Do you know what the most eye diseases is often plagued Indonesian society ?
To ROL , Wednesday ( 9/10 ) , Dr . Johan Hutauruk , MD ophthalmologist as well as Director of the Jakarta Eye Center describes the five most common eye disease suffered by the people of Indonesia . These diseases include the following :
refractive disorders
Refractive disorders such presbiopi divided into four ( decreased ability of lens accommodation ) . Myopia (nearsightedness ) , hipermetropi ( farsightedness ) and astigmatism ( cylindrical ) .
Conjunctivitis ( red eyes )
Bloodshot eyes are usually caused by an inflammation of the eyeball . The cause of red eyes is quite diverse including irritation , allergies and infections caused by bacteria , viruses and fungi . For treatment , red eyes can be treated using eye drops or ointment at the direction of a doctor

Ptegerium is an eye disease that results from the triangular -shaped tissue growth layer of thin transparent membrane ( conjunctiva ) in the white part of the eye . Usually the cause of this disease is ultraviolet radiation , sun exposure and chronic irritation from smoke , dust , wind or foreign bodies entering the eye .
Cataract is a disease that causes a blurred vision and risk causing blindness . Causes of cataracts are generally caused by an aging process . However, there are several other factors that can cause cataracts as exposure to ultraviolet light , the use of drugs such as steroids and also because due to diabetes .

Glaucoma is a disease of the eye caused by increased pressure in the eyeball . Disease at first did not cause significant problems , but is able to make the vision decreased vision and broad perspective to be narrowed . To treat it can use eye drops when still soft . However, if the severe glaucoma , it is recommended to perform the operation .

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