Monday, October 21, 2013

Sunlight , Main Causes Skin Aging

Skin aging is inevitable with age . However, a new novel suggests , is the most sunlight responsible for skin aging are clearly visible .According to the study , ultraviolet rays contribute 80 percent of skin aging symptoms , including black spots . The study, reported in the journal Clinical , Cosmetic , Investigational Dermatology And it also found that two percent of the damage of aging skin, making as many as three years .The researchers said that exposure to UV light for long periods can lead to pigmentation , reduced skin elasticity , skin texture and reduction .Sunlight , they said , is not the only trigger for aging skin , but there is also gravity , pollution , diet , tobacco , disease , stress , and the natural aging skin itself. However, in this study , they wanted to for the first time , calculate the singular effect of sunlight on the skin .

Facial skin experts examine 298 women aged 30 to 78 years . Participants were divided into two groups with the first group characteristics are often exposed to the sun without protection , while the other group a little exposure to sunlight .They also face the participants actually take photos and displays them on the screen . Furthermore , volunteers were asked to look at the face and guess the age of the participants .The results show the effects of UV exposure increases skin aging . Significant differences were seen in black spots and skin texture quality . Those in the first group tend to show faster signs of aging .The researchers then calculated the " percentage of skin damage from sun exposure " and get the results of 80.3 percent for aging skin . They also found that 80 percent of women who experience skin damage looks like his age , but if the damage is 82 percent , the woman looks like three years older . Meanwhile, if the damage is 78 percent , she looks three years younger .Dr. Richard Warren , a senior skin health experts at the University of Manchester who was not involved in the study said , it is difficult to accurately distinguish between naturally occurring skin aging and are influenced by the environment ." However, this study tried to be specific to the effects of sun exposure on the skin . Then use sunscreen may help reduce the risk, " he said .

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