Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Danger Gratuitous Use Eye Drops

When exposed to pollutants make eye irritation , such as redness and itching , not a few people who try to treat it yourself .
One treatment efforts using eye drops that are sold freely .
However, according to eye health expert from Jakarta Eye Center Dr. Johan A Hatauruk , SPM , and treatment itself has a risk of eye problems are not small . Especially if those efforts involve eye drops containing plant sterols .
" When exposed to pollutants , the body actually has its own mechanism to fight infection , so as to reduce irritation occurs . No need to use eye drops sterols , artificial eye drops of water is enough , " he said in a media seminar SOHO # BetterU titled " World Sight Day " , Wednesday ( 09/10/2013 ) in Jakarta .

Eye drops that contain plant sterols , Johan said , need to go through a doctor's prescription , although some are still sold freely . Sterols are compounds containing antibiotics and steroids .
Antibiotics in sterol functions to fight bacterial infections . While steroids serve to reduce irritation symptoms such as red eyes .
Nevertheless, according to Johan , not all suitable eye irritation with the use of eye drops sterols . "Yes, if iritasinya as bacteria , suitable antibiotics . If iritasinya as fungi or viruses , might actually increase fertile because the antibiotic could be the food," he explained .
Steroid eye drops also increase the risk of increased pressure in the eye . Johan said , steroids can indeed suppress inflammation , but can also lead to increased pressure , which means that other eye diseases such as glaucoma . If left unchecked it can even lead to blindness .
Therefore , patients need to Johan appealed to identify the cause of irritation to the eyes . Normally , if accompanied by red eyes memburam vision , irritation caused by fungal infections .
Moreover , he continued , in order to reduce the risk of self-treatment for eye irritation , the patient should see a doctor . This is because the eye is an important organ and vision problems will greatly reduce the quality of life of sufferers .

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