Monday, October 28, 2013

Consumption of Fiber Helps Maintain Healthy Gums and Teeth

Food intake into the body must be balanced . Not only is animal , vegetable intake must not be forgotten in the daily food consumption . Vegetable intake obtained from vegetables and fruits , whether treated or directly consumed .
Intake of fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber . In the body requires daily 25-40 grams of fiber for adults . Adequacy of the fiber allows healthy digestion and weight loss do not quickly grow .
Adequacy of fiber for the body it can also affect the health of gums . " Fibrous foods such as fruits and vegetables have a natural ability to self- cleansing in dental plaque . Clean teeth prevent gums from inflammation , " said Chairman of the Indonesian Association of Periodontology ( serpent ) Commissariat Jakarta , drg . Sp.Perio Sunarto days ( K ) in the seminar underestimate Cause Gum Disease Dental date in Adults , Thursday ( 25/10/2013 ) , in Jakarta .

Self cleansing occurs when fibrous chewed food in the mouth . When chewed , fiber foods brushing plaque -filled tooth surfaces . Loss of plaque maintain clean and healthy teeth .
High fiber foods can also stimulate the flow of saliva ( saliva ) , whose role is maintaining hygiene and oral health . As a means of defense , saliva can neutralize the acids that cause tooth decay . Saliva also contains calcium and phosphate , which are needed as a nutrient to repair the early damage of tooth tissue .
In addition , the consumption of fibrous foods can stimulate the teeth become stronger . This is because fiber foods have a crunchy texture , so it requires more chewing teeth stronger . Food should also be chewed longer so smooth and easy to swallow .
" Because the consumption of fibrous foods should be done the right and left tooth . So that the two parts can be just as powerful . If only one is used , the jaw will grow sideways and causing an asymmetrical arrangement , " Heri said .
Mastication also allows both sides right and left teeth as clean .
Besides fiber foods , of course teeth should be cleaned regularly . Clean teeth will prevent gum inflammation ( inflammation ) , which is characterized by bleeding . Teeth should be cleaned at least after breakfast and before bed .
Inflammation that can be prevented to avoid tooth quickly dated . " For old age tooth loss is a common occurrence due to the decrease of calcium in the body . Still, healthy gums and teeth should be maintained as well as possible , "said Heri .

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