Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Natural Relief of Bloating

A person can suffer from bloating after eating or due to monthly hormone fluctuations. Bloating slowly disappears if someone experiences urination.

To increase the frequency of urination, a person needs to take drugs or foods that are diuretic. Diuretics get rid of salt and water, especially by stimulating the kidneys to release sodium in the urine.

Water is withdrawn from the blood to concentrate sodium levels. It produces more urine and reduces the amount of fluid flowing through human blood vessels.

Director of Nutrition at the Good Housekeeping Institute, Jaclyn London said there are vegetables and fruits that can relieve bloating by compensating for narrowing of blood vessels. The selected vegetables and fruit are those that contain lots of water, potassium, high magnesium, and calcium.

"Choosing foods like wine, celery, watermelon, melons, cherries, apples, grapefruit, and lots of green vegetables is the best choice," London said, as reported at Harpers Bazaar, Tuesday (11/12).

Watermelon has a water content of 92 percent and high potassium. This fruit also contains amino acids that relax blood vessels and keep fluids from leaking to nearby tissues.

Second, cucumber. Cucumbers have sulfur and silicon which increase urination by stimulating the kidneys to get rid of gout.

One type of vegetable is loaded with water, potassium and low sodium. Cucumber inhibits the production of nitric acid and inflammatory enzymes thereby reducing swelling. That is why cucumber slices can be used to calm eye bags.

Third, asparagus. From ancient Greek and Roman times, asparagus has been used as a natural diuretic. This vegetable diuretic effect comes from the amino acid asparagine and is used to treat swelling, rheumatism, and pre-menstrual water retention. A different smell from urine after eating asparagus comes from asparagus acid which is broken down into sulfur compounds when ingested.

Fourth, beetroot. Beets contain high potassium. The content helps remove fluids.

The color of beets derived from betanin has been associated with low levels of C-reactive protein. It makes beets have anti-inflammatory properties.

Fifth, garlic. This vegetable contains allicin which is efficacious as a medicine. The International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Rescearch found garlic as a diuretic. Garlic works as a powerful antioxidant and contributes to fat.

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