Thursday, December 27, 2018

Rambutan Fruit Health Benefits

Eating sweet and juicy rambutan is indeed very refreshing. Not only delicious, the fruit with the Latin name Nephelium lappaceum is also dubbed super fruit because of its usefulness. Here are a series of rambutan health benefits, as reviewed by the Medical Daily page.

Reducing fat

If you are on a weight control program to achieve ideal weight, rambutan can help. This fruit is effective in reducing body fat levels due to high fiber and water content and low number of calories.

Source of iron

Rambutan is rich in iron, a nutrient that is important so that the human body functions properly. The body uses it to transport oxygen from the lungs to various different tissues. Iron deficiency can cause bad conditions such as anemia.

Skin and hair care

Because rambutan fruit has a high water content, consuming it can moisturize and soften the skin. No wonder if rambutan is good for skin and hair care. This fruit also has a similar effect to improve the quality of hair health.

Rich in vitamin C

Rambutan has high amounts of vitamin C. Eating 10 to 12 grains of rambutan can provide 75-90 milligrams of ascorbic acid for the body. Vitamin C helps avoid cell damage and allows the assimilation of iron in the body.

Improve sperm quality

For men, consumption of rambutan fruit has been reported to increase sperm quality and quantity. The abundant amount of vitamin C in rambutan is very important for sperm development. This lack of nutrition can result in limited reproductive ability.

Anti cancer

Research conducted by Chiang Mai University in Thailand found that rambutan contains effective antioxidants known as flavonoids. Some varieties are also thought to reduce cholesterol levels, and are believed to have anticancer properties.

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