Thursday, September 29, 2011

Prevent Disease with Fatty Acid Balance

The human body needs essential fatty acids (Essential Fatty Acids / EFA) for the perfection of all living cells function. Essential fatty acids are not produced by the body, but is obtained through dietary intake or the daily diet.
Of the many types of EFAs are needed, most often highlighted is the unsaturated fatty acids or polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Polyunsaturated fatty acids are known to be very beneficial to the process of intelligence, vision, and the immune system. In addition, it can also help overcome the problem of atherosclerosis (clogged arteries) and coronary heart disease.
Omega-3 and omega-6 are two types of polyunsaturated fatty acids that must be consumed in the daily diet. The best source of omega-3 is fish oil, flax seeds or walnuts. While omega-6 can be obtained from eggs, meat, vegetable oil, margarine, corn and sunflowers.
Although both types of fatty acids is very meaningful for the body and synergy. However, keeping the ideal levels are still very important for the body to avoid the risk of disease.
In fact, according to Christopher Mohr Ph.D, an expert on nutrition and fitness from Nordic Naturals United States, today most people in the world of excess omega-6, but rather the lack of omega-3. In fact, excess omega-6 can actually be detrimental because it increases the risk of various diseases.
"Omega-6 is also important for the human body, but we can easily get them from the daily diet. Many people in today's world of excess omega-6, but rather the lack of omega-3 in his body," Mohr said in a discussion titled "The Importance of Essential Fatty Acids Omega-3 for Human Health" in Jakarta on Thursday (09/29/2011).
In a discussion of how well the supplement product introductions, Mohr stated that excess omega-6 in the body can not be separated from changes in eating patterns and diet in the community.
On one of the material revealed that in Indonesia there is any increase in the consumption of food processing result (processed food) and food from vendors that are likely to melonjakkan levels of omega-6. This fact occurred in developing countries and the largest imbalance between omega 3 and 6 can be seen from the culture of food consumption of Western type.

It's no secret that the processing of foods such as fast food craze now a community in the country. These foods are cooked in oil containing omega-6 fatty acids. Menu items such as french fries, fried chicken, and burgers became very popular and can be consumed every day.
Various literature mentions, the human body is not designed to consume lots of omega-6 because if too high levels in the body can increase the risk of various diseases such as asthma, blindness, blindness, heart disease and cancer.
For that, said Mohr, keep the omega-3 levels in the body higher than omega-6 to be very important for general health. These efforts can be done by increasing the intake of foods high in omega-3, or even by taking fish oil supplements.
International Society for research Fatty Acids and Lipids (ISSFAL) recommends the intake of 500 mg of omega-3 fatty acids every day. While the American Heart Association recommends 500 to 1000 mg intake of omega-3 every day.

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