Sunday, September 25, 2011

Unsaturated Fats Still Dangerous

Although often considered a good fat, excessive consumption of unsaturated fats remain dangerous. If the total fat intake of more than 30 percent of food consumed, fatty deposits in the body will increase.
"Heaps of fat increases the risk factors that increase blood fats can cause heart and blood vessel disease," the doctor said Diah Prasmapti Y nutritionist at the seminar "Quality Living with Heart Healthy" Hospital Premier Bintaro, Tangerang, Banten, on Saturday (24 / 9).

Unsaturated fats are found in fish, nuts, and vegetable oils. These fats form the walls of body cells.
According Diah, good saturated fats, unsaturated, and trans would enhance the body's calorie. The public still considers only the harmful saturated fats, which many found on meats and jeroannya, coconut milk and fried foods. "Each 1 gram of fat contains 9 calories, while 1 gram of starchy produce 4 calories," he said.
In addition to saturated and unsaturated fats, trans fats are also dangerous. These fats are produced through industrial processes, such as margarine and cooking oil. On food packaging, commonly called trans fats hydrogenated fats.
"Trans fats not only increase bad cholesterol, but also lowers the amount of good cholesterol. Unlike the saturated fats that only increase bad cholesterol, "said Diah.
Lose fat
Lecturer Sports Medicine Science Studies Program, Faculty of Medicine UI-which is also the team physician XXVI/2011-Hario Tilarso SEA Games, said the fat in the body can not be removed only on one particular part, except with liposuction. The use of crusher fat on certain body parts as advertised-not-true and not helpful. "The fat in the body can only be burned with aerobics, like running, walking, gymnastics, or swimming." He said.
Liposuction done a lot of people who want to eliminate fat, especially the stomach, rapidly and instantaneously. This method is really only recommended for certain people.
Sports doctors usually only recommend liposuction for people with severe obesity and fat in their bodies while exercising is difficult to remove completely. It usually occurs in people with the condition of certain hormones.
To maintain a healthy heart, enough exercise 3-5 times per week with a duration of 20-60 minutes once a sport. Excessive exercise makes the body tired, disturbed sleep, easily hurt, and cause heart problems.

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