Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sleeping mats Hard Prevent Back Pain

Back pain is included in the complaints that arise and are usually triggered by physical activity, obesity or a disorder of the joints. Although the position can lie back mengisirahatkan bedding wrong but it will lead to complaints of recurrent back pain.

"Sleep on your back is the least burdensome position back, but should not his bed is too soft for bedding that will regulate the position of the spine," said Faiz dr.Muki, Sp.OT, experts ortophedi of RS.Puri Indah Jakarta.

Mattress or sleeping pad should provide the right support, flat, and not sinking into the. In other words, if you sleep on a mattress that is too soft, you risk to suffer from back pain greater.

"Not a few patients who complain of back pain was reduced after they slept on a hard floor. Mattresses are too soft to make the muscles can not relax," says Muki.

To prevent back pain, sleep in a supine position with a wedge pillow under the knees. Or, put a pillow on his side between his thighs.

Another way to prevent and cope with back pain is to stretch when I wake up. After lying awake for more than 8 hours and then suddenly stood up could cause injury. Before getting out, slowly stretch your arms above your head, then pull your knees toward your chest in turn.

If you are ready to sit down, bergulirlah to the side of the bed and use your arms to help lift your body. After standing place the hands on the buttocks and then slowly lean backward and forward to stretch the spine.

If you feel back pain lasting more than two weeks and getting worse, get to the doctor for further treatment.

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