Thursday, September 20, 2012

10 Diabetes Myths Mistakenly that needs to be clarified

Diabetes Mellitus Type II in particular often come to the doctor in a state already experiencing complications. Most patients tend not to realize the condition of pre-diabetes is going through. In addition, there are many who believe information and myths about diabetes that is not true.
Following are some false myths about diabetes that needs to be clarified. The myth that diabetes is growing a lot, but only 10 presented the following information is summarized from various sources:
1. Diabetes derived crosses, from mother to son, or from father to daughter.

Fact: Have a family history of diabetes does raise the risk of diabetes. However, had the same blood type father does not necessarily make you automatically affected by diabetes. Similarly, diabetes transmitted across a myth. Diabetes or not it depends on diet and lifestyle. If you follow a healthy lifestyle, the risk of diabetes can be avoided.
2. Diabetes is a disease of the elderly
Fact: Diabetes affects parents who apply for type 2 diabetes, because it is generally found in adults. But now more and more children and adolescents are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, especially those who are overweight. Diabetes can happen to any age, although most happen to people over the age of 40 years. However, due to changes in modern lifestyles are less healthy makes the prevalence of diabetes was 20 years or 30 years.
3. Often eating sweet cause diabetes
Fact: Diabetes Type I is due to genetic factors and more are being investigated provocation. While type 2 diabetes due to genetic factors triggered by an unhealthy lifestyle. Type 1 diabetes is caused by destruction of the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin, which is not related to sugar consumption. A diet high in calories, whether from sugar or from fat, can increase body weight, which in turn increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.
4. People with diabetes should stop total consumption of sugar
Fact: If eaten as part of a healthy diet plan or combined with exercise, food and sugary drinks may be consumed by diabetics. However, although not taboo, diabetics still need to limit foods sweetened beverages. To maintain blood glucose, food or sugary drinks should be consumed after a low-carb diet, and even then limited. Then, do not forget to check blood sugar glucose monitor changes in the body.
5. Diabetes can be cured
Fact: Sometimes people think that blood sugar is always stable and normal in the long term, diabetes is considered cured. In fact, pancreatic dysfunction is permanent and irreversible. Diabetes is not curable, but with the proper management of blood sugar can be kept normal. Blood sugar is maintained within normal limits makes people with diabetes did not differ at all with healthy people, as well as keep resiiko complications of diabetes.
6. Traditional medicine is better than medicine doctors
Fact: Unlike traditional medicine with medical drugs are the most striking evidence of clinical studies or not. Every modern medicine on the market has gone through phases of clinical trials. Unlike traditional medicines do not generally have phase clinical trials, so the scientific unknown human impact.
7. People with diabetes do not need a special gauge
Fact: someone who is experiencing symptoms of high blood sugar or hyperglycemia can be felt. However, it is also a lot of diabetic patients reported they were not aware of at all. If not measured, potentially extreme conditions of hyperglycemia ketoacidosis can lead to coma patients.
8. Diabetes makes short lifespan
Fact: People with diabetes get a flu shot is recommended. This is because any disease that causes infection, can cause diabetes more difficult to control. So it is more prone to experiencing hyperglycemia could spur the development of serious complications. With diet and a healthy lifestyle, people with diabetes can reduce the risk of various diseases.
9. Use of insulin, diabetes means you have severe
Fact: This only applies to patients with diabetes type I. For patients with type II diabetes, usually can keep blood glucose with diet and keep exercising. If that was not enough, doctors advise patients to take oral glucose-lowering drugs. Over time, the patient's body gradually produces less insulin and eventually drugs are not enough to keep blood glucose levels normal. Injections of insulin needed to control blood glucose levels to normal levels.
10. Most importantly keep fasting blood sugar
Fact: High blood sugar either before or after meals as dangerous for the long term. High blood sugar after meals is a major trigger for the onset of macrovascular complications (heart and blood vessel disorders). Many people with diabetes die from heart and blood vessel complications.

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