Monday, September 3, 2012

Coconut Oil Prevent Damage to Teeth

Coconut oil was not only used for cooking but also protect the health of teeth. The active ingredient in coconut oil are known to fight bacteria that cause cavities.

Dental cavities (caries) occurs due to several factors, namely the growth of bacteria, sugars in the diet, and are susceptible tooth surface. Streptococcus mutant bacteria (bacteria that makes the sugar in the mouth as food) will convert sugar into acid attached.

Well, when coconut oil bound with digestive enzymes compounding, will produce strong bacteria killer. Therefore, experts are now trying to develop toothpastes and mouthwashes that contain palm oil as an active ingredient.

"Combining enzyme-modified coconut oil into dental care products is attractive as an alternative to chemical additives. Moreover, because this enzyme works in low concentrations," said Dr.Damien Brady, from Athlone Institute of Technology, Ireland.

He added that the results of the study are important because they are more and more problems due to drug resistant bacteria that excessive antibiotic use.

Research conducted Brady terinspriasi from previous studies showing that some milk is digested makes S.mutan less attached to the tooth enamel. "The production of human digestion apparently showing antimicrobial activity," he said.

It also showed that colonies of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract cell surface beneficial for intestinal health.

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