Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Drinking Tea, How Must Use Sugar

Today I had lunch in the cafe for the first time I entered. Understandably, because my local bachelors more frequent eating out, and it was moving. Eating in a stall of the same boring, although the taste of good food.
When asked, "Would you like a drink?" by a guard at the shop. "Tea tasteless" I replied. As a bit surprised, do not believe, I saw his face looks a bit changed. "Do not use sugar, sir?" He asked again. "No," I replied. "So what?" I then continued. "Only nanya course sir", he said as he left.

Meal without sweet tea or sweet juice at breakfast, lunch or dinner for most of us it seems odd. Especially if you eat at the restaurant, we might be stingy if you only drink unsweetened tea or water. I do not know what causes this widespread habit in our society.
"What is the effect of advertising are very intense at this time, such as if the meal is not complete without taking something that certainly packed in a very sweet taste?"
When I was little, it drinks like tea or coffee is usually served without sugar. Thus it is called unsweetened tea, black coffee, and served in hot conditions. Until now, perhaps older people in the village are still getting this part. Drinking hot tea fresh, or black coffee. My mother who died at the age of 90 years old, and my grandmother's sister who reach the age of about 95 years old also have the same habits.
From renelitian I've ever read, if tea is mixed with something positive benefits of antioxidants "polyphenols" which contains much reduced. Tea also should be taken in fresh condition. Tea is packaged in a bottle, definitely a very sweet sugar and preservatives may be made, you just got to the table after a few weeks. According to the study, the benefits also would be reduced.
The habit of drinking tea or coffee is actually a lot of benefits, especially green tea. No longer denied, tea useful to control cholesterol, prevent stroke, heart disease, cancer, especially colon cancer, skin health, and reduce tooth decay. The problem now is the sugar that you pour into your glass, do not affect the benefits of tea you should get?
Although, until now I have not read the research on it, but when mixed with milk tea, as far as studies that have been done, would reduce the benefits of the tea itself.
Okay lah, think sugar had no effect on the benefits of tea. But the sugar itself, the belebihan you consume along with a cup of tea at breakfast, lunch, dinner, or during breaks and hot mid-day, "does not have any adverse effect on your kesehataan?"
If you like it, if only in a tea cup water, two tablespoons of sugar, or about 20-30 grams, one day you are consuming about 100 grams of sugar. 100 grams of sugar will yield 400 calories, this equates to about 20% of your daily caloric needs. If you drink sugar is considered as additional calories you consume each day, beyond basic food, without you knowing it, it is no wonder the case of obesity, diabetes mellitus soared in our country.
Instead, drinking sweet tea, I do not see in China and Vietnam. I've been several times to China, and two months ago to Vietnam. As in China, in Vietnam the same habit of drinking tea, which is served warm, with no sugar at all. I feel it even more enjoyable, especially when we are thirsty. I think, maybe this habit could be as one of the reasons is the low incidence of obesity at all costs as well as diabetes mellitus there
Therefore, why do not you try it? Drink unsweetened tea water, certainly more useful to you. However, if you are still addicted to the sugars that are addiction, brewed tea, add a little sugar, let it, do not stir. If you want a fresh taste of tea, take a lime, cut, squeezed, add to it. Then, little by little diseruput while warm. Hmmmm .. try to feel! And certainly it is getting healthy!

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