Wednesday, September 19, 2012

High Fat Diet Dangers for Women

Danger has a high-fat diet was not limited to obesity, but also increase the risk of cancer. Especially if mengasup fatty food habits started young.
In a study of young mice is known that a diet high in bad fats dapa metabolic changes that stimulate breast growth. It also causes abnormal tissue in the breast that is believed to be cancer.
Lead author Dr.Russ Hovey from University of California at Davis, said the results it is important because the amount of data that showed a lot of young women with breast cancer and at the same time the epidemic of obesity in children.

Laboratory mice in which the object of the study was given a high-fat diet containing CLA fatty acids 10, 12 which can lead to metabolic syndrome, a condition associated with obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
Fatty acids contained in trans fats are widely used in the production of biscuits, cakes, and processed foods.
When female mice given CLA 10.12 it stimulates the growth of breast glands. In fact, female mice were not producing the hormone estrogen which is very vital for the development of reproductive organs.
In some animals, a high-fat diet resulted in the growth of abnormal cells that will develop into cancer.
The occurrence of these cancers also allegedly associated with excess levels of insulin.
In the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the researchers said women who are menopausal and have increased insulin at a higher risk of breast cancer.
"This study demonstrates the close relationship between diet, metabolic disorders, and growth is not due to mamari gland estrogen stimulation," the researchers said.
Although the treatment of cancer and methods of early detection of cancer can improve the chances of recovery, but the most important of prevention. Maintain a healthy diet, as shown in the study, could be the start to reduce cancer risk.

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