Monday, September 24, 2012

Enough Vitamin D While Pregnant Make Babies Smart

Vitamin D is very positive effect for pregnant women and expectant baby. In addition to its function to support the growth of bones, babies born to mothers who consume enough vitamin D during pregnancy tend to be more intelligent.

Thus the conclusion of research in Spain involving 2000 mothers and their babies. Vitamin D deficiency is known to be associated with the development of infant mental and motor skills.

"This research could strengthen the recommendation of the importance of vitamin D for pregnant women and women who are planning a pregnancy," said Valencia Walker, neonatology experts from Mattel Childrens Hospital.

In the study, researchers measured vitamin D levels in pregnant women during trimester two. After giving birth, at the age of 14 months the infants were tested for mental development and psikomotoriknya ability, the ability to control physical movements.

The researchers found that in two of these measurements, the babies whose mothers had optimal levels of vitamin D have a higher assessment scores than the infants of mothers who are deficient in vitamin D.

According to researchers, Eva Morales, of the Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology in Barcelona, the difference score was not very high. However, because many pregnant women are deficient in vitamin D, the impact can be great for the community.

Walker explains, the woman who threatened vitamin D deficiency in general are those who are overweight or obese, are from low socioeconomic, and women whose skin is darker. Geography also influential, they are rarely exposed to sunlight also have lower vitamin D levels.

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