Thursday, May 9, 2013

6 Easy Ways to Relax in Instant

Avoiding stress is one of the requirements to be healthy. How to avoid the stress of the easiest is to make the body become relaxed.
Making body relax should not be done at the spa and spend your time and money, but it can be done in a manner easy and fast. Here are six easy and quick way to body relaxation.
1. BathWash with a touch of aromatherapy to make your bathroom like a spa atmosphere. Use soap with gentle fragrance that reminds you of a favorite place. Smell the aromas slowly deep. This will help in calming the nervous system and relieve stress.

2. Hand massageThere are a lot of nerves in the hand. Working all day with hand will make it stiff and tense. Hand gently massaging will help to relax more. The trick is to gently rub lotion or olive oil first, then massage gently from the start until the muscles around the thumb to all parts of the hand. Massage in a circular motion and can be continued up to the shoulders, neck, and scalp.
3. Facial spraySpray a fresh face with a moisturizing spray will make you relax. Choose a scent that is fresh and soft like cucumber scent. Other than relax, you also become more fresh and moist skin gets.

4. Soak before bedSoak before bed to warm the body thus improving the quality of sleep by improving sleep phase within. Put the olive oil into the water bath to keep your skin moist. However, if you have dry skin, do not be too long soak in the water because it will make your skin dry grow.

5. Hair CombCombing hair it can give a good effect to make the body relax. Repetitive movements evoke relaxation response in the body. Combing hair break the chain stress and make the mind calmer.

6. Use aromatherapyCertain essential oils, such as lavender, has been proven to make the body become more relaxed. Rub lavender oil and massage the nerve center points, such as the neck, inner wrists, and temples before bed.

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