Monday, May 20, 2013

Five Ways to Increase Brain Capability

Some people judge intelligence is characterized by high grades. Most viewed intelligence as the ability to solve problems quickly.
In fact no one can really define what it is clever. To be sure all of the capabilities that come from the source, which is the human brain.
With its size of 1,400 grams, the human brain run all commands. The brain also has a great capacity to adapt. The more frequently used, the more brain tissue that connects and makes the brain become stronger.

Strengthening of the brain that affects a person's intelligence. Here are five ways you can use to increase the capacity of the brain as quoted, Tuesday (21/5).

1. Caring for the body
Physical exercise is not only important for the health of the body but also the ability of the brain. With exercise, to improve blood flow to the brain which carry oxygen and glucose. Exercise also can stimulate mental development.
Caring for the body is also done by keeping food consumption. There are many foods that are good for brain health. Among other things, fish oil, eggs, protein and green vegetables.

2. Enough rest
Peraliran exercise can increase blood to the brain, then what about sleep? Many years ago, the scientists say the brain stops working and resting when a person is sleeping. But now, research shows, the brain still does its job even when sleeping.
Although the brain is still working when asleep, but the nighttime sleep can improve brain function and the ability to stay focused. Ideally, adults are encouraged to sleep for six to eight hours a day
3. Engulf bacteria
July 2010, researchers at the Sage Collages find one type of bacteria that can make a smart rat. These bacteria are commonly found in soil. Mice given Mycobacterium vaccae showed better behavior in maze tests but with fewer signs of anxiety.
Not only a good indication, level of serotonin in the brain also showed a positive thing. Bacteria also seems to stimulate the growth of neurons.
But this does not mean that the good bacteria can you eat it raw. Unruk get the benefits, you simply perform tasks such as gardening and walking around in the woods.
4. Exercise the brain
Like the body, the brain needs regular exercise to maintain strength and vitality. Some brain exercise that can be done is by playing crosswords, sudoku and other word teasers.
Or way more severe, such as mathematics or solve problems related to spatial relationships and geometry. Or you can do outside of routine.
For example, brushing your teeth with the opposite hand. Or walk in a different way which can force the brain to work harder than usual.
5. Meditation
The benefits of meditation are well known for thousands of years ago. Practice can be different for each person. But basically involves tranquility meditation and breathing practices to achieve mental peace.
FMRI scans have revealed by doing regular meditation may influence brain structure. One study showed that daily meditation on a regular basis can increase the size of the portions of the cerebral cortex. Not surprisingly, some of the leading companies in the world offering meditation classes for their employees.

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