Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Flocking Diet More Effective

A diet program as a group was able to record the weight loss is more meaningful. Recent studies in the U.S. show, dieters are able to achieve a community-based weight loss up to five times more than those who diet on their own.
Researchers from Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, comparing weight loss among dieters who are members of the Weight Watchers and choose their own diet. Weight Watchers is a service provider and consulting company specialized in weight loss program that has spread across 30 countries.
This study monitoring the 147 participants who followed the Weight Watchers diet and 145 participants independently. Those who follow the directives Weight Watchers diet to get materials and basic exercise guide, in order to lose weight safely.

Research has shown that after a period of 3 to 6 months, respondents who followed the Weight Watchers program experienced a significant deterioration in weight. After 3 months, participants who followed Weight Watchers lost an average of 3.9 kilograms, while that alone is only 0.8 pounds. After 6 months, the differences were more distant. Follow the Weight Watchers group lost 4.6 kilograms, while that alone is only 0.6 pounds.
Zoe Hellman, Head of Public Health at Weight Watchers said, regular meetings are held to be the key to Weight Watchers. "We have surrounded conducive situation in order to obtain results as desired. In Weight Watchers we continue to learn and motivated to change the pattern of life, either directly or through virtual meetings. Well we maximize the use of the gadget," he said.
Diet methods with community-based approach is proven to work optimally. Respondents who followed Weight Watchers lost more weight than those who diet alone without involving the group.
"At the moment the diet group participants experienced a significant decline in six months, participants who diet alone jutru: weight tends to go up again," said lead researcher Dr. Craig Johnston.
Regulated diet will have a positive effect on health. The success of the diet mitigates the occurrence of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Similar studies have been published in the British Medical Journal. Reported on the study, dietary groups is more effective and cheaper than the model diet designed by a professional. A year ago, the journal The Lancet states, people who are obese and followed Weight Watchers lost 2 times bear more weight than those who got a briefing from a general practitioner.

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