Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Best Drug Wedding for the Heart

Protection against heart disease and stroke can be obtained from marriage. There are at least 34 studies published in the 1963-2015 medio that support the evidence.

The study involved more than two million people in the 42-77 year age range in Asia, Europe, the Middle East, North America, and Scandinavia. The researchers compared the health of married, never married, divorced, or widowed widows. Those who fall into the last three categories are 42 percent higher risk of death from coronary heart disease, and 55 percent higher due to stroke.

Researchers in the UK also found divorce raises the risk of heart disease in female men by up to 35 percent, and widows or widowers increased the risk of stroke by 16 percent. Those who never married 42 percent were more likely to die of heart attack than those who married. The findings have been published online in the Journal of Heart on June 18.

"Future research should focus on whether marital status is a marker for improving a poor lifestyle or whether marital status is a risk factor itself," said Keele University professor at Stoke on Trent, Mamas Mamas, quoted by Web MD on Friday / 7).

There are a number of theories why marriage is beneficial to human health. They include early detection, treatment, and adherence to health care. Marriage usually also triggers greater financial security. Prosperity increases, and the network of friends increasingly widespread.

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