Monday, July 16, 2018

Relieves Migraines with These Foods

Migraine can make the sufferer feel a very heavy headache. Although associated with genetic abnormalities, migraine can also be influenced by environmental factors, lifestyle, diet and hormonal imbalances.

"Pulsed to the head, ranging from moderate to severe intensity, are common manifestations of migraine," said bariatric counselor and nutrition specialist Dr. Shurti Sharma as reported by Indian Express.

Sharma says migraines can be found in both adults and children. This condition is more common in women. Migraine is also known to make the sufferer experience nausea, vomiting, photophobia and phonophobia.

One characteristic of migraine is the presence of a pulsating attack next to the head that repeats and lasts up to 72 hours. The usual physical activity of everyday life can worsen migraine symptoms.

Stress, lack of sleep and the environment are some things that can trigger the occurrence of migraine. Avoiding these trigger factors can make the migraine control better. "Many women also experience migraine headaches before or even during menstruation," Sharma continued.

Drug use is often the choice of many people to overcome the problem of migraine. In addition to drug use, some lifestyle modifications can also help control migraine headaches. Some lifestyle modifications that can be done is to maintain good sleep patterns, manage stress, reduce caffeine intake, keep the body hydrated and apply a good diet and routine.

There are several dietary modifications that experts say can alleviate migraine symptoms. One is high-magnesium foods such as green leafy vegetables, fruits such as avocados, bananas and raspberries, legumes, salmon, mackerel and tuna and vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and brussels sprouts.

In addition, foods high in calcium such as soy, lentils, almonds and whey protein are also considered good for migraine sufferers. Some of the other foods suggested are complex carbohydrates and fiber.

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