Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Five Anti Acne Foods

Acne is a problem that everyone has. There are some people who decide to go to a doctor so that acne does not appear on the face. But there are also just buying acne medicine to eliminate skin problems.

In fact, according to experts, acne can be avoided with a balanced diet and live a healthy lifestyle. Cosmetologist Pachouli Wellness Clinic Preeti Seth and Senior Cosmology SCI International Hospital Prabhu Mishra revealed some healthy foods that can make skin avoid acne.

Brown rice

Vitamin B contained in brown rice helps to cope with stress on the skin. It also helps regulate hormone levels and prevent the possibility of breakouts.


Quoted from Times of India, Tuesday (31/7), garlic contains natural chemicals, namely allicin. These chemicals can kill harmful bacteria and viruses in the body so it proves to be good for reducing inflammation in acne.


Broccoli contains antioxidants that can fight skin damage. These vegetables also contain vitamin A, B complex, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin K.


Omega 3 and six fatty acids are good for acne prone skin. These acids help reduce inflammation in the skin. Sardines and salmon are known to be very good for the skin.


If looking for a natural skin cleanser, eat anise. These root vegetables can improve digestion, reduce swelling, and help remove excess fluid and toxins in the skin.

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