Sunday, July 1, 2018

4 Ways of Drinking Disadvantages Can Harm the Body

Meeting the needs of body fluids is one of the most important factors in maintaining health. Lack of fluid intake will cause dehydration which can trigger various other problems. One that is pretty much known is headache due to dehydration.

Lack of fluid intake can basically harm the body in various ways, in addition to causing headaches. Indian Express revealed there are at least four other health effects that may occur due to lack of fluid intake. The following are the four harmful effects.

Bad breath

Saliva produced in the mouth contains enzymes that can help the digestion of food. Saliva also serves to clear bacteria from the tissues of the mouth and tongue.

Dehydration can affect salivary production in the mouth. The more dehydrated a person is, the less saliva there is in the mouth. This condition can cause bad breath.

Eyes Go Deep and Dry

Dehydration can also affect eye health. In people who suffer from dry eye conditions, less water asipan can make dry eye symptoms that they feel is getting worse. Some research also revealed that lack of drinking water can make the eyes 'drown' and getting into the head and make eyes swollen.

Dry Tongue

Not drinking enough water can make the tongue dry due to reduced salivary production. Dry tongue can provide an uncomfortable sensation in the mouth while making the tongue more difficult to move.

Urine Color Increasingly Dense

The color of the urine can give clues as to whether a person is dehydrated or not. People who lack fluid intake or dehydration will have darker urine color resembling dark orange. The color of urine that turns thick should be an alarm for someone to improve their fluid intake by drinking more water.

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