Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Going to Beach Can Change Atmosphere

Sunbathing on the beach or maybe surfing on weekends sounds tempting. Activities on the beach seem to be able to release fatigue and make the mood or mood for the better.

Quoted from NBC News, Tuesday (17/7), a study reveals spending time at sea is good enough for the welfare of one's life. According to an analysis of British census data published in the journal Health Place, those living on the coast have better physical and mental health.

In a study published in the Journal of Coastal Zone Management, study participants living in homes with sea views felt calmer than those who did not. Why all that could happen?

Clinical psychologist Richard Shuster PsyD says the blue color is much associated with a sense of calm and peace by many people.

"Gazing at the ocean really changes the frequency of brain waves and makes us light meditatively," Shuster said.

In addition, the sound of the waves coming and going unnoticed stimulates the brain. Sally Nazari PsyD reveals, these voices activate the parasympathetic nervous system that allows one to relax.

The smell of sea breeze also contributes to calming the mind of negative ions in the air. This negative ion therapy can be used to treat seasonal affective disorder symptoms.

Not to forget, putting feet in the warm sand can make people relax. Also, there is little placebo effect that occurs. "We have been conditioned to think of the beach as a peaceful and relaxing place," Shuster said.

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