Wednesday, April 2, 2014

4 Important Things in Sport Running

Running sports enthusiasts soared in recent years . This is evident from the rise of competition and community that is never quiet running enthusiasts . Well , if you are one of enthusiasts of this sport , or maybe the new run will follow a program , there are four important things to note .

1 . Endurance ( endurance )
According to Matias Ibo , sports physiotherapist , endurance is important in running , especially for long-distance running . Ibo say , resistance include resistance pure ( pure endurance ) which is the ability to run as long as possible without getting tired .

" Runners with good endurance to keep the same tempo run for two to three hours , without any addition or reduction of speed , " he said .

In addition , durability also includes a total fitness ( total fitness ) associated with running technique and efficiency means the ability to optimize the work of the muscles used for belari .

2 . Strength ( power )
Ibo said , muscle strength is needed in the running . Therefore , running a leaps are done continuously , while to do the jump , the body requires muscle strength .

" Running it for strong muscles , not to increase muscle mass . Increasingly powerful muscles , the better one's ability to run , " he said .

3 . Power ( strength)
According to Ibo , the power associated with the intensity of the run to run, when to fast , when it needs to be strong . For the power train , he said , runners need to practice in undulating terrain , there is a hill or a derivative .

4 . Recovery ( recovery )
Running is a high impact sport so that the body needs recovery time after doing so . Ibo said , after running 20 miles , it's normal to feel body aches . This is due to the presence of micro muscle fibers are torn so take recovery .

" Aches in contrast to injury . Though both need time to recover , restore sore did not take long , " he said .

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