Sunday, April 6, 2014

Should food Consumed When Sick

When the body is " collapsed " due to disease , resting and taking medication alone is sometimes not enough to restore health . We are also required to pay attention to diet .

Indeed , when the appetite pain seemed to disappear . Yet we also need mengasup - eat nutritious foods and maintain fluid intake . Eat small meals but often and listen to your body to find out if we are hungry , we can make it easier to eat during the healing process .

Here are some foods that can give you extra energy and nutrients so that we are more powerful .

- Soups
Since we are a small mother would make soup , usually chicken soup , when we have the flu . Research has shown that chicken contains an amino acid called cysteine ​​that helps eliminate mucus in the lungs and keep airways moist . Besides soup will also prevent dehydration and fight inflammation in the throat .

- Tea Warm
Warm drinks such as green tea consumption should be routine when we 're less healthy . High content of antioxidants in green tea will help the immune system fight germs . If you do not like tea , warm water fed lemon slices could be an alternative .

- Fruits containing vitamin C
Fruits rich in vitamin C , such as oranges , lemons , grapes , kiwis , contain flavonoids that can strengthen the immune system and promote healing . Vitamin C is also known to reduce the number of sick days .

- Spicy food
Flu makes no nasal congestion must be addressed with medication . Eating spicy foods can actually relieve the symptoms of nasal congestion .

- Food that soothes the stomach
Make sure you stay hydrated and consume soft foods that are easier to digest . You can also eat a banana. High content of potasiumnnya can replace electrolytes lost through diarrhea or vomiting . The fruit is also easy to digest and can lower the body temperature .

- Ginger
Research has shown that ginger effectively prevent and reduce nausea and other stomach disorders such as vomiting , constipation , and flatulence . Drink ginger tea to soothe the stomach .

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