Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Dangers of Too Often Drinking Water with Lemon

Consuming water with lemon slices has become a habit of many people , especially those who are on a diet or detox . Of course drinking lemon water is not just decoration , but have health benefits .

Water with lemon slices contain the nutrients your body needs , including vitamin C , potassium , and fiber . However , these drinks can cause harmful side effects if too much is consumed .

Here are some of the dangers of consuming water with lemon slices .

- Erosion of the teeth
Eating acidic foods or drinks too often , like lemon water , will cause the teeth in contact with the acid . In the long run this will erode the tooth enamel and make teeth more sensitive , especially on hot or cold foods . To protect the teeth , consumption of acidic drinks through a straw . If you previously had dental erosion consult with a dentist who can recommend the provision of dental enamel .

- The increase in gastric acid
Too often consume water with lemon will make you who already suffer from heartburn ( acid reflux ) becomes more severe . Heartburn is characterized by a burning sensation and burning in the chest area because of stomach acid up into the esophagus .

- Frequent urination and dehydration
Although rare , lemon water can cause a diuretic effect . Lemons contain vitamin C or acid arkorbat . The content will increase urine production in the kidneys so that you become more frequent urination . This condition can also lead to dehydration because much sodium removed .

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