Sunday, April 13, 2014

Many Sitting More Dangerous Than Smoking

Too much sitting it can be a time bomb for health . Recent research conducted in the UK said , too much sitting increases the risk of obesity , heart disease , diabetes , colon cancer , muscles and back problems , brittle bones , depression and even demnsia .
British people spent an average of 8.9 hours each day to sit down . Coupled with seven hours of sleep each day , meaning that the average body only used about 8 hours to run . In the extreme , even the experts describe as a sit ' activity ' is as dangerous as smoking . ' Sitting is a new smoking' , so said the experts .
Sitting is a health time bomb that is just waiting for the time to explode . WHO inactivity even identify the body as the killer number four in the world . Specifically in the UK , they spent 1 billion Pounsteling to treat back pain , neck and muscle caused by too much sitting or lack of movement .
A new campaign 'get Britain standing ' in the UK recently launched to induce those actively engaged . Gavin Bradley , director of ' get Britain Standing ' said basically everyone is aware of bad lifestyle , but meereka did not really realize how bad lifestyle living.
In fact at this time , the computer and TV for 40 years have contributed to one culprit of modern humans spend more time to sit down .
" Spend less time sitting could actually increase the lifespan ( healthy ) . This is an important message , " Bradley said , as quoted by the Mirror .

WHO recommends adults do moderate exercise for 150 minutes during the week , or at least 30 minutes for five days .
John Buckley , a sports sciences expert at Chester University, said the exercise would not be much use when one is too much sitting .
He likens the benefits of a bike for 30 minutes can be lost if a person is too much sitting . This is tantamount to exercising but then eating foods with unhealthy diet . Or , someone who diligently exercising but still smoke .
Sitting too long will mempelambat body's metabolism so that the enzyme lipoprotein lipase to break down body fat reserves . On the other hand glucose levels and blood pressure will meningjat . If done continuously , will sit damage the interior of blood vessels .
A British study in 1950 examined the drivers who spend a lot of time to sit down risk 1.5 times more likely to suffer from heart disease more often than drivers stand .

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