Sunday, April 27, 2014

This 5 Benefits for the Body Ice

Rolers , do you know that the ice provide benefits for your body ? Ice can provide benefits , not only as a mixer in cold drinks only. There are several ways in which you can use ice to heal some of the pain , quoted from Easy Good Health , Friday ( 25/4 ) .
1 . Headache
You do not need to call a doctor if you experience headache . This is because the medicine is already in your home , the ice cubes . Enter the chunks of ice into the fabric and then place it in your head that is sick . It will cool your head in order to be much better .
2 . Tendonitis
Tendonitis usually affects the feet , knees , shoulders and elbows . This causes a lot of pain and make it difficult to move . However , you can use home remedies to relieve the inflammation . Put ice in a towel to the affected part of your foot . Do not put ice directly to the foot as it will damage your skin .

3 . Soothing Eye
Most people use cucumbers for their eyes mengademkan . There are only a few people who choose to use ice for tired eyes . This will reduce any swelling in your eyes . Put ice cubes on a piece of soft cloth and then place it on your closed eyelids for 15 minutes . It will help soothe your eyes are swollen .
4 . Reducing bruising
If you have a bruise , then there are several solutions that you can use . Use ice cubes to parts of your body bruises . It will help the construction of blood vessels . Make sure that you use fresh ice cubes and put it on the bruise for 15 minutes to an hour .
5 . Burns
You can use ice cubes if suffered burns . This will reduce the pain quickly because the area will be numb .

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