Thursday, April 24, 2014

It Benefits and Disadvantages Fruit Juice Consumption

Fruit juice and vegetable juice several times the latter is often a controversial issue , with many things protagonist and antagonist that accompany it. Many people are confused what should they choose , which one is better , eating fruits or vegetables in juice form or even in liquid form ?
Here are the benefits and disadvantages of drinking juice , quoted from Easy Good Health , Friday ( 25/4 ) .

1 . The Benefits of fruit and vegetable juices
Fruit and vegetable juices can allow your body to absorb most of the nutrients contained in these foods . This is because most vegetables will lose a lot of nutrients after cooking with fire . The juice also simplifies the digestive system because your body more easily absorb the nutrients in fruits or vegetables because they 've extracted first . Your small intestine will also be easier operation .
Treatment with juice allows you to eat fruits and vegetables that you like , even you can easily mixes it with some fruit or some vegetables . Juice could serve as a diet . This effectively reduces your vulnerability to energy caused by eating certain types of fruit . The juice also improves the immune system and also minimizes the possibility of the possibility of contracting heart disease and cancer .

2 . Disadvantages juice
Vegetable or fruit juice used to make your body lacks the fiber that the body needs to satisfy hunger . Fruit or vegetables are juiced sometimes also lose their nutritional value over time because they can not be pasteurized .
Juiced fruit or vegetable that gives less essential nutrients that are beneficial to the body than if you eat them in the form of fibers . This is because the skin of the fruit is the key in which there is contained a lot of important nutri that are beneficial to the body .
The juice can be a great way to supplement your diet the normal menu , but should not be considered as the best alternative . You should strike a balance between eating fruits or vegetables in the form of juice to consume it in the form of fibers .

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