Thursday, September 4, 2014

Benefits of Good Bacteria Not Just for Digestion

Regular exercise not only makes the body fit, but also can increase the population of good bacteria in the gut. Having a good number and diversity of bacteria was very influential on health.

Humans have these good microbes from birth and continues with age. In the past, scientists did not understand the benefits of these good microbes, but later the role of good bacteria for the body continues to unfold.

Here are 5 reasons why we need to keep the population of good bacteria in the gut:

1 Preventing diabetes 
According to a small study in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, the consumption of probiotics (good microbe) daily can prevent weight gain and insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is a condition of initial or type 2 diabetes mellitus.

2 Healthy urinary tract 
In an another study published in the journal Drugs, probiotics can prevent urinary tract infections in women.

3 Prevent allergies 
The study in the journal Pediatrics claims that women who regularly consume probiotics during pregnancy may reduce the risk of children suffering from allergies.

4 Increase endurance 
In people who are elderly, probiotics can enhance immune cell activity.

5. Healthy female reproductive system 
Five types of bacteria known to be effective against Lactobacillius Candida fungus that causes vaginal infections.

In addition to plain yogurt, we can also get probiotics from various sources, such as tempeh, kimchi, miso, and much more.

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