Monday, September 29, 2014

Five Shocking Facts about Soda

Love of country western society with soda slowly began to fade. Based on data reported by the Huffington Post, in 2014 noted that 63 percent of Americans are trying hard to avoid soda. The number is up from the previous 51 percent of Americans try to avoid soda in 2004.

Soda had to be reduced. Five of this surprising fact might make the desire to drink soda so much more easily reduced.

1 Build fat around organs
Yes, this is the dangerous fat that is difficult to detect with the naked eye. That is, you may not know have health ririsko because there is no change in the body. Danish researchers conducted a study of the effects of soft drinks by asking study participants drank sugary soda, milk with the same calorie soda, diet soda, or water every day for six months.
As a result, total fat mass remained the same among all participants. The difference, regular soda drinkers saw no increase in dangerous hidden fats. Increased drastic happens, such as near the liver and bone.

2 Replace to diet sodas do not help
It is a logical assumption, changing from full-sugar soda to soda without sugar will help health. In terms of the logic of calories that may be true, but diet sodas contain dangers and side effects of its own. In a study, researchers at the University of Texas Health Science Center monitors 475 adults over 10 years. They found participants who drank diet soda to see an increase in waist circumference than those who do not drink soda.

3 Contains flammable materials
Europe and Japan have banned brominated vegetable oil or BVO be included in the composition of their soft drinks. Drinks with BVO but still found in some soda products in North America, especially the citrus taste. This material originally created for making the plastic is not flammable. BVO then began to be added in order to distinguish soft drinks with other beverages.
Since May 2014, Coca-Cola and Pepsi announced that they are trying to eliminate BVO of their products. BVO but maish can be found on Dr. Pepper products also Seven Up.

4 Causes of pollution
The body can not break down and break down artificial sweeteners, so they will wander in the drains. Water treatment efforts will not be able to change the artificial sweeteners. Chemistry in the soda and then flows into rivers and lakes.
Swiss researchers found acesulfame K, sucralose, and saccharin, which is widely used in diet sodas, water, rivers, and lakes, in their study conducted in 2009.

5. causes premature aging
Why spend hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars for anti-aging products, vitamins, and exercise personal trainer if you're still getting used to drink soda? Soda causes a decrease in bone density, mengerupsi teeth, and cause kidney problems.
Regular soda and diet soda contains phosphoric acid bacteria to fend off development gives a sense addictive. All it causes problems for health.
In a study conducted in 2010, found high levels of phosphate causes mice to die more quickly than normal phosphate levels.

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