Sunday, September 7, 2014

Obesity Sufferers Will Tend Smoking

Patients with Obesity (overweight) tend to consume cigarettes. This conclusion is a response to community concerns and myths about obese people at high risk of using drugs.

This research was conducted by the American Journal of Healthy Behavior, to 15,000 adolescents. The question revolves around the mental and physical health, body mass index, and use of cigarettes, alcohol, and narcotics.

In the statistical analysis, they found a high correlation between obesity for adolescents with smoking. Relief, individuals with excess weight is considered unlikely to abuse drugs, compared to those with normal weight.

"Usually, the urge to smoke comes because obese people want to hang out and be accepted by their social environment," said Isabella Lanza, researchers at the Univesity of California Los Angeles, quoted by Science Daily, Sunday (7/9).

Generally, cigarette used as an excuse to advance the social status of people with obesity. In addition, people tend to believe that smoking can suppress appetite and help reduce weight. Because of this, obese people try smoking.

In fact, in The Obesity Society, smoking actually causes the wearer wants more food entry. Smoking tends to make its appetite massive rise, and does not help cure obesity.

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