Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Strawberries and Apples Could Reduce Heart Damage

Many of the health benefits of fruit consumption, including strawberries and apples. Based on research, both these fruits can reduce long-term damage to the organ after a heart attack.

Scientists from the University of Cambridge discovered the presence of chemicals in strawberries and apples can reduce the long-term injury to vital organs. Among other benefits, a person's survival rate increased after a heart attack and stroke.

As is known to decrease the post-cardiac function, such as damage to the heart muscle. Heart attacks can also come back and can lead to heart failure. When someone is having a heart attack or stroke, blood clots occur so the heart to the brain is deprived of blood and oxygen. To that end, the handling of a heart attack should be as soon as possible.

During this time, the handling of a heart attack is to reopen blocked coronary flow, known as reperfusion.

Experts and doctors at the University of Cambridge to assess if the chemicals on strawberries and apples injected in patients after an attack, they can help reduce damage to the heart or other organs.

The researchers revealed that the damage caused by the buildup of botched heart succinate chemicals. When blood flow, succinate interact with oxygen, then releases destructive molecules that kill cells in the heart or other organs.

The researchers then conducted experiments on mice by injecting chemicals that malonate ester. As a result, if the malonate ester injected for the treatment of stroke or heart attack, it can stop the accumulation of succinate and the release of molecules that damage the heart and other organs.

This malonate esters found in many fruits such as strawberries, apples and grapes. Doctor Michael Murphy of the University of Cambridge said, malonate ester chemicals work very well in the body to reduce damage after heart attack or stroke.

The medical director at the British Heart Foundation Professor Peter Weissberg, said although the extent of damage is not yet known which can occur after a heart attack, at least these chemicals can reduce the risk of heart failure

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