Wednesday, February 3, 2016

7 Important Reasons Eating Bananas Every Day

Bananas are a versatile fruit, can be used to create a refreshing smoothie or can be eaten directly. Bananas became a popular fruit in the world.

The study said many benefits that we can if you eat bananas. By eating bananas every day, your body will receive 1,500 mg of potassium. Here's remarkable health benefits of eating a banana every day quoted Lifehack.

Bananas reduce high blood pressure
Studies show that eating three bananas a day can lower your blood pressure significantly. A medium-sized banana has about 422 mg of potassium and almost free of sodium.

Bananas help digestion
Bananas contain fiber. Fiber is an important nutrient in the body because it can help regulate digestion. Eating bananas will make you feel full longer. No wonder the banana is often used as a breakfast, because it will give you energy to start the day. Bananas can also help constipation and help restore minerals lost during diarrhea.

Bananas promote heart health
Eating foods high in fiber is good for the heart. Diets high in fiber have been associated with a lower risk of both cardiovascular disease (CVD) and coronary heart disease (CHD).

Healthy balanced diet will provide vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that the body needs. By eating one or two bananas per day will get additional 4 grams of fiber per fruit.

Bananas help create healthy cells
Bananas are rich in vitamin B6, which contains 20 percent of the required daily intake for an adult. Vitamin B6 helps produce insulin, hemoglobin and nonessential amino acids needed to make healthy cells. It also helps the production of antibodies that fight infection.

Bananas maintain healthy blood vessels
When you think of vitamin C, citrus fruits and strawberries may be the first that comes to your mind. But the content of vitamin C in bananas is much more than oranges and strawberries. Vitamin C is an important antioxidant that neutralizes harmful free radicals in the body.

Free radicals are charged atoms, molecules or ions (evil) which continue to destroy the cells in your body. Vitamin C also helps maintain healthy blood vessels and produce collagen which is good for the muscles, bones and other tissues.

Bananas improve athletic performance
If you ever wondered why many athletes like to eat bananas, here's why. Bananas can increase muscle and provide antioxidants and other nutrients naturally. According to a study at Appalachian State University, ate half a banana every 15 minutes during the test time trial cycling as effective as the carbohydrate drink every 15 minutes. No wonder Yohan Blake, Jamaican Olympic sprinter, reported eating 16 bananas a day.

Bananas against anemia
Due to the high iron bananas, can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood and helps fight anemia. Anemia is a condition in which there is a decrease in the number of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood, which causes fatigue, pale and breathless. In addition, Vitamin B6 is contained in bananas can regulate blood glucose levels, which can also help people with anemia.

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