Wednesday, March 2, 2016

It Reasons Why Cucumbers Good for Skin

Cucumber is one super food because it is rich in benefits. These vegetables contain a variety of essential nutrients for the body such as vitamin C, caffeic acid, up to as much as 90 percent water.

Therefore, cucumber is also said to be a good meal to maintain the beauty of the skin. With the content in it, plus beta-carotene and vitamin K, this vegetable is able to moisturize and smooth the skin of people who eat them.

Cucumbers can also serve as a skin lightening agent. Therefore, by eating these vegetables regularly, skin health can be maintained perfectly. In addition, reported Bold Sky, there are several other benefits that make you think that the cucumber is the best friend for the skin.

Treating sunburn

While in hot or exposed to the sun for too long, the skin can burn and become reddish. Cucumbers contain that can soothe the skin and relieve redness and overcome the irritation that occurs on the surface of the burned skin.

get rid of cellulite

Cellulite is commonly found on the thighs, buttocks, arms and stomach. With a cucumber, you can get rid of the whole of cellulite. Mix the cucumber with honey and apply on the affected area. In addition to eliminating cellulite, skin could be more toned and supple course.

Brighten dark eye bags

Cucumbers can help brighten the dark eye bags. This is due to the antioxidant content and silica in it.

Shrink pores

Cucumbers can shrink pores. You can mix the cucumber, with rose water, honey and lemon for maximum results. Once applied, rinse with warm water.

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