Monday, July 18, 2016

Five Spice It Efficacious 'Super' For Health

There are many types of foods categorized as 'super' for health. Call it blueberries, green tea until broccoli. In fact not only the food alone which has a list of super foods. Spices also have a list of helpful herbs 'super' for health. Here is the top five herbs that have excellent benefits for health as reported by the Daily Mail.


Cinnamon was not only a food that flavor a variety of dishes. According to recent research published in the Journal of Pharmacology Neuroimmune, cinnamon can improve a person's ability to learn.
From the study, the research team found that sweet you can reverse back the changes of biochemical, cellular and anatomical occur in the brains of people with poor study skills. Cinnamon has an incredible ability by stimulating the small part of the brain that is responsible in arousing, organizing and storing memory called the hippocampus.

Additionally, cinnamon can also be used as a low-calorie sugar substitute for anyone who wants to cut sugar intake. Experts assess the use of cinnamon is much better than artificial sweeteners that can cause emotional changes quickly, depression, and increased appetite.

Unlike artificial sweeteners, cinnamon can add natural sweetness more healthy food or beverage. Thus, cinnamon can be a great option for people who want to keep their blood sugar levels.


Yellow color and strong flavor and aroma that makes turmeric became one of the popular spice in the presentation of a variety of delicious dishes. In addition to making food more appetizing, also contains curcumin turmeric is good for health.

Curcumin is known as a powerful antioxidant to prevent cancer with anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, curcumin is also known to relieve pain in patients with arthritis, injuries and even dental problems.

Nutritionist Lily Soutter even revealed that turmeric can help liver function digunakann to work more effectively. This is caused by the content of turmeric, which can stimulate the gallbladder to produce bile to be used by Ahti to filter and remove toxins from the body.


Besides enriching the flavor of dishes, ginger has a function as a 'sedative' digestive function. Renowned nutritionist Marilyn Glenville says the content of the ginger can normalize bowel function and stomach. Therefore, Glenville says turmeric is very beneficial for pregnant women who often feel nauseous in early pregnancy.

In addition to nutritious for healthy digestion, ginger is also known to make the skin and hair becomes shinier. This is because the content of the ginger can stimulate blood circulation better so that more essential nutrients obtained by the skin and hair.

No less interesting, ginger can also be a powerful antidote to nausea. Therefore, the addition of ginger in food will provide many benefits in addition to 'pacify' the digestive tract.


There is a reason why the price of one gram of saffron can be very expensive. Saffron has long been known in traditional Persian medicine as an herb to improve mood by adding saffron to the tea or rice.

Nutritionists say Cassandra Barns saffron extract can help increase the body's levels of the hormone serotonin. Increasing serotonin in the brain can help a person feel better and happier.

Do not stop there, saffron also has the advantage to suppress one's appetite snacking. This is caused by the ability of saffron in increasing serotonin hormone similar to biscuits.

Red chili pepper

Research shows that the compound capsaicin in hot peppers and red chili can improve the body's metabolism. The content of capsaicin is also rated researchers can push the body's ability to burn fat increases.

Therefore, a spicy red chili can be used as a snack for dieting and weight loss. Because, said nutritionist Shona Wilkinson, red peppers will make the body temperature rises and even sweating after eating so that more calories are burned than stored during meals. Given the red chili can also decrease appetite, red chili Wilkinson assess an appropriate snack for people who want to lose weight.

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