Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Backs Overcome Acne with Natural Lemon Scrub

Acne is not only hit the face, but the body did not escape acne affected. For acne on the back area, you can 'mix' natural scrub using lemon.

As reported Boldsky, to make your own natural scrub with lemon at home, you need two lime or lemon and half a cup of powdered sugar.

How to make first squeeze of lemon juice and make sure to get rid of all the seeds. Then add the powdered sugar and mix with the lemon juice.

Use this scrub before shower. Rub into the entire back with a gentle circular motion. You can do this every day before bathing, because this scrub is very gentle to use.

Sugar scrub can remove dead skin cells gently. While lemon can reduce the production of oil in the back. Make sure you do not add any oil because it will clog the pores.

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